Executive Coaching and Supervision

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©Peter Hailey
Programme & Training Evaluations
Programme and Training Evaluation are all influenced by the role individuals play in a group. While applying standard evaluation guideline such as the DAC one (OECD Quality Standards for Development Evaluation), I offer to look at evaluations from a human perspective.​

​What are your expectations from an Evaluation?
- Gain some some new reflective knowledge.
- Highlight good practices and generate evidence-based lessons learnt.
- Collect data to support future decisions and improve programmes.
- Reflect from an objective perspective provided by an external eye.
- Get recommendation from an expert.
Programme Evaluation approach
Programmes are developed and implemented BY people and aim at providing a good or a service TO people. Leaving the human aspect outside of the equation would undermine the influences of the behavioural aspect individuals play in a project.
By bringing this additional perspective to the traditional standard evaluation guidelines that focus on Relevance, Efficiency/effectiveness, Impact, and Sustainability, I offer an in depth objective review that will acknowledge all stakeholders.
Training Evaluations approach
Training evaluations are often limited to a questionnaire at the end of the programme where you are ask to comment on the facilities, the trainer's performance, and the relevance of the course content. Sometime you may be asked to undertake an assessment to test your learnings. Rarely is transfer of learning, in other words how the newly acquired skills are implemented or the impact are evaluated.
Research suggests that only 15-20 percent of the learning investments are actually transferred to the workplace (Cromwell & Kolb 2004:450). Many factors are influencing the application of learnings amongst them key one are: Motivation to transfer, supervisor and peer support, learner readiness, opportunity to use...

Assessing how new learnings are applied at the workplace will enable you to:

- Evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of your training programmes
- Rely on sounded data to improve transfer of learning, and your learning strategy​
- Evaluate wether your training strategy contributes to the individual and organisational performance

Akili Vantage added Value
- Over 10 years of experience in programme management
- Strong interpersonal skill that enable me to interact with a wide range of people
- Cultural and Diversity awareness gained through 18 years leaving overseas in various context and continent and interacting with people from all horizons.
- an MSc in Human Ressource Management & Development with Manchester University with an awarded research thesis on Transfer of Learning.
- Research and communication skills
- A forceful drive for result attitude
- And a believe that evaluations are valuable if they contribute to programme exellence through continuous learning.